Info A-Z

General information about Matangi School

In 2025 Matangi School has a roll of just under 200 children. Matangi is a zoned school situated only 5 minutes from the South Eastern side of Hamilton City. Matangi School has 9 learning spaces. We have a school hall onsite and a 25m swimming pool. The school grounds and native area are large and grassed and well utilized by our children and the community. We have  junior and senior adventure playgrounds which are favourite meeting places for many of the children. 

Matangi School is organised into three areas;

  • Junior year  0-2 (Totarai)
  • Middle year 3-4 (Rimu) 
  • Senior year  5-6(Kahikatea)

Children generally attend one of a number of local kindergarten or playcentres before entering Matangi School as 5 year olds. Our Year 6 pupils move from Matangi School mainly through to Berkley Middle School. The school is a central focus of the community and we gain much support from both our school parents and the wider community. Most years we have a Book Fair, Agricultural Day, country and cluster schools events alongside numerous school trips, 

The Matangi School Fundraising Group is always keen to attract new parents onto the committee. This group is an active group of keen Parents/Caregivers who come together regularly to organise, promote and implement a number of events/activities that provide additional funds for the operation of the school while also fostering a partnership between home and school. If you’d like to find a way to get involved, please email: 

Matangi School Bell Times

  • 8:55am – 9.10am        Hauora time
  • 9.10am – 10.10am     Block One (Numeracy)   
  • 10.10am – 10.30am   Morning Tea
  • 10.30am – 11.30am   Block Two (Literacy)
  • 11.30am – 11.40am   Brain Break
  • 11.40am – 12.45pm   Block Three (Literacy)
  • 12.45pm – 1.40pm     Lunch
  • 1.40pm – 2.50pm       Block Four (Curriculum)


Children are expected to be at school every day unless they are unwell or they have an appointment. Children must not be sent to school when unwell as they provide a health risk to others. For safety and attendance reasons, it is important that parents and teachers know where children are. Please let us know if your child is not going to be attending school by using the School app (Hero), emailing or phoning the office before 9am. 


We expect children to depart for home as soon as the school day finishes at 2:50pm. Children not collected by 3:00pm will be enrolled into After School Care at a cost to the caregivers. Children must wait inside the school grounds for their safety until collected. 


An after school care programme (Informally referred to as ‘Tui House’) operates five days a week from 7.30am – 8.30am and 2.50pm – 5:30pm. A wide variety of activities are included in the programme, from art and craft to sports. Children need to be enrolled in order to attend this programme. This can be done via the enrolmy website, you’ll find a link to it on our school website. Enrolment forms and full information is also available from the school office or by phoning 07 829 5735.

Afternoon tea is provided – e.g. a snack of fruit, pizza, sandwiches, biscuits or similar.


  • Morning session: 7:30 – 8:30am
  • Afternoon session: 2:50- 5:30pm


  • Morning session: $3.75 for each half hour 
  • Afternoon session: $7.50 for first hour, then $3.75 for each half hour after that. 
  • After 5:30pm: $20 for every 15 minutes late


In the case of serious accident or health event along with any head or mouth injury at school, parents will be contacted immediately. If parents are unable to be located, the “emergency contact” person will be consulted and/or family doctor if necessary. If a child becomes sick at school, the school administrator will phone parents/caregivers for the child to be collected and cared for at home. 


The school would appreciate being informed of any particular allergies or health problems, minor or major so that your child can receive immediate treatment if necessary.  If you have any new medical information about your child, please contact the office to update their records.


These assemblies are held once a fortnight on Fridays from 2:10 -2:50pm.  Parents and family members are always welcome to attend. These are advertised each fortnight in our reminders and also on our school calendar which can be found on our school website.


We expect high standards of behaviour at all times. If teachers are concerned, parents will be contacted. If parents are concerned, we ask that the parent please contact their child’s teacher. Our inclusive school philosophy embraces all students within our behaviour management policy. Called ‘The Matangi Way’, students will endeavour to make good choices, listen and follow instructions, keep hands, feet and equipment to themselves and walk in ‘walk only zones’. Our Matangi School Values guide and direct us in creating a positive and restorative approach to managing behaviour. This means all children attending Matangi School are expected to behave according to these values. An effective behaviour policy that applies to all students helps create a more productive learning environment.


All children riding bikes to school should have a good knowledge of the road rules and are legally required to wear cycle safety helmets. Bicycle stands are provided beside the pump track.  Our pump track is available to be ridden on at morning tea and lunch times.


The Board of Trustees meeting dates are advertised in the School Newsletter and School Calendar. 


Children have the opportunity to buy books at a reasonable price through the Scholastic NZ Book Club. The Lucky Book Club brochure will be distributed twice a term and will be sent home with each child who wants one. Books ordered will be sent to the school two or three weeks later for distribution.  The school receives 10% of total orders back and we can purchase resources and books for our Library.


Click here to view our events.  This calendar is also available on our website, on our Matangi School events board at the front of the school and is also available on our website and our weekly newsletters.


All Year 3-6 students go on an annual camp. Parents are informed a term prior to camp through their childs class teacher, school calendar, weekly reminders. Other classes participate in Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC). 


Matangi School recognises that environmental education is an important part of life long learning. We want our students to own and work in a healthy environment that they have created, maintained and will pass on to future generations. Enviro Days are organised each term. The buildings and facilities of the school are regarded as a community asset, and wherever possible the community is encouraged to use them. 


Matangi School has a school uniform which is compulsory and can be purchased from the school office.  As of Term 2, 2024 all of our uniform will be sold though NZ Uniforms, 244 Tristram Street, Hamilton. Please name all clothing, togs and towels, lunch boxes, school bags and drink bottles.  Lost property is found in the hallway of the main building.

We do have a second hand uniform shop that is sporadically run by the fundraising committee. 


At Matangi School we continue to refine our forms of communication. If you need to get a message to your child’s teacher, we ask that you contact the teacher/s of your children via email or by phoning the school office.

Email: School newsletters or notices to parents are sent via this platform. These notices are normally just applicable to our parents or caregivers. If we receive an email from a parent, we will often respond to this either by replying to it via email or by calling the parent or caregiver as soon as we are able to. We prefer to follow up on emails with a phone call, this is often the most efficient and relatable way to resolve any issues or concerns.

Facebook: Our school community is often celebrating special moments that occur in our school via this platform. We use this way of communicating or sending important announcements, as many of our families regularly use this application. 

Hero: We will continue to share/launch this platform with you. It will definitely feature in our up-and-coming student-led conferences. Hero is used to report your child’s learning to date. Via this application, you will be able to let us know if your child is going to be absent from school, keep updated on notices that are being delivered in the school, link to our school website and school calendar, and have links to your school financial accounts, for stationary, and school fees.

Enrolmy: Is used for Tui House for bookings and Invoices/Statements. 


Many concerns can be addressed if we know about them. In the first instance, if you have a concern about the progress or behaviour of your child please take the time to speak to the teacher of your child by making an appointment to see the teacher. We really encourage this point of contact as we believe most incidences or misunderstandings can be dealt with at this level. A complaint is deemed to be of a serious nature and the parent/caregiver must put their complaint in writing, addressed to the Principal and/or Board Chair stating that they are making a complaint then specifically stating the allegations. A complaint may be the result of actions or speech or deed construed by a parent/caregiver or a member of the community to be detrimental to the child or children at the school. School Policy 7, Concerns and Complaints detail guidelines and procedures to be undertaken.


These are not compulsory and more or less can be paid. Any contribution you pay will be gratefully received and will assist in a better learning environment for your child/ren. You have the option to pay school fees at the beginning of the year in total, or at the beginning of each term, or by regular direct debit payments. If you elect to pay per term we will remind you by sending out an invoice.

Term – $42.50 per child. Annual – $170.00 per child.

10% reduction for second and subsequent child attending ($153)


Please keep the school office informed of address or phone number changes. All children will become familiar with emergency procedures by participating in practices conducted at regular intervals throughout the year under the supervision of the Principal.


It is desirable that the school is notified on or about the fourth birthday of any child who may be enrolled at this school. Pre-enrolment information assists the school to plan for future development. New entrant children require a birth certificate and immunisation records if immunised. Pre-school visits can be arranged prior to the child’s 5th birthday by phoning the school office. Matangi School has a Kick Start Programme for students enrolled which the child will attend roughly half a term (5 weeks) before starting School. This is run on a Thursday afternoon from 1:20 – 2:50pm in the new entrant classroom. Children are to be enrolled via the website.


The School Fundraising Group  is a support body of the school and is open to all parents, caregivers and friends of the school. All meetings and activities advertised in the newsletter.. 


Home learning programmes mainly focus on reading practice, spellin, basic facts and times tables. In the Junior School children will be issued with a home reader in a book bag on most days. However, books will only be sent home when the book bag is returned and signed. Poetry will also be sent home on a regular basis for you and your child to enjoy together.  It is the school’s belief that teaching and related learning should be emphasised on school days during 8:55am to 2:50pm. After 2:50pm children can benefit from a home learning programme that promotes involvement in a range of recreational and family oriented activities. 


Matangi School has a policy and set of procedures concerning the use of computers.

A cyber saftey agreement will need to signed by all students and their parents at the start of each year.

We make every effort to keep children safe when using the internet.

In support of safe practices, Parents/Caregivers can:

  • Talk with your child about online dangers.
  • Put the computer in a family area of your home, so that you can keep an eye on what is happening.
  • Have a password only you know that must be entered before your child goes online.
  • Limit the time your child can spend on the internet.
  • Spend time online with your child exploring positive sites.
  • Randomly check your child’s email.
  • Install filtering software. For information on filtering software, visit

As well as talking to your child about Internet safety, you can also check your child’s Internet activities by using the following procedures:-

  • Open the browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator).
  • On the toolbar, click the history button. The history bar will appear, listing the web addresses of the sites visited recently.
  • Click on the addresses listed to visit the sites.
  • To delete the sites, click on the right button on your mouse and select delete from the drop-down menu.


We use Your Lunchbox for luch orders.  You can create and account and place your order here.


All children are supervised while eating their lunch. During the summer season provision is made for children to sit in shaded areas. On wet days all children eat their lunches in their own classrooms, under supervision. As the children finish eating, the duty teacher dismisses them. No sweets are to be brought to school for mid-morning break or lunch. We encourage every child to bring their own water bottle each day.


If a child requires medication at school their teacher must be informed. All medication even temporary must be kept in the school medical cupboard or refrigerator. Caregivers must complete and sign a consent form requesting administration of medicine at school. Where medication is to be administered during school hours, written authorisation from the child’s doctor must be attached. The school may act as an agent on behalf of the parent/caregiver. Consent forms will be held on official school file. Parents wishing the school to administer any form of medication to their child/ren on their behalf, are to each year, visit the school office to complete the appropriate form. 


We ask that whenever Parents/Caregivers need to send money to school for example, field trips, stationery, school fees etc; online payment is the preferred method. For online banking please use the following bank account: 12-3122-0203336-000


A school newsletter/reminders is emailed every Thursday. Please read your Newsletter carefully as they are not only informative but detail many organisational and administrative features of the school. If you have information to be included please submit this information no later than 11am, the Wednesday before publication. The school newsletter may also be accessed through our website.


There is ample parking along Matangi Road and in the Foster Reserve carpark for parent/caregiver cars. Please respect our neighbours by not parking in or across their driveways. The school car park IS NOT A DROP OFF AREA and is for staff only. Please note that during winter months Jack Foster Reserve may be closed for parking to preserve the grass.


The Matangi School Playgroup operates on a Wednesday morning in the hall from 9.00am till 11.30am approx. Parents/caregivers with pre-schoolers are welcome to attend.

NOTE: While the school hall is unavailable for use, please see the school office for playgroup contact information.  Playgroup will be offise for the time being.


Under the Privacy Act the school is entitled to collect, retain and use information on children and families attending the school relevant to the operations of the school. Parents/caregivers may from time to time confirm that the information held by the school is up to date and relevant.


Parents/Caregivers are advised that they must inform the school of any protection order or special circumstances regarding the custody of children in their care. A copy of proof of agreements such as a protection order issued by a District Court is to be handed to the school office each school year. The school holds such documentation on file for the duration of the current year.


Parents are invited to meet with classroom teachers to discuss student achievement and learning goals in relation to our Matangi School Curriculum. We hold Learning Conversations in Term Two and Parent/Teacher Interviews in Term Three. The school operates an Individual Student Assessment Portfolio via our Hero Platform. A feature of this system is the ongoing reporting to parents on the progress and achievement of their children. Progress and achievement in relation to the New Zealand Curriculum are recorded in these in Terms 2 and 4. Parents are involved in reviewing their child’s progress and achievements through our Hero Platform. Parents are encouraged to discuss any matter that may be of concern with the child’s teacher throughout the year. If you wish to further discuss any matters with the teacher, an appointment may be necessary.


A road patrol manned by Year 5-6 students under adult supervision operates from 8:30am – 8:50am, and 2:50pm – 3:10pm on Matangi Road. When children first start school it is important that they know the correct route to take and if they have to cross the road that they know the proper place to cross.


The Matangi School Charter and Policy Statement File are available for perusal in the school office and on our school website. Both the charter and school policies are constantly being reviewed, added to and/or rewritten. 


8:30am Classrooms opened for children to enter

8:55am Learning commences

10:30am Morning Interval

10:50am Learning recommences

12:30pm Lunch

1:20pm Learning recommences 

2:50pm School finishes 


The school office hours are 8:30am to 3.00pm each day. For day to day general inquiries please contact us on 07 829 5735.

For all classed based inquiries your first point of contact is the classroom teacher. Please email the Teacher on first initial follwed by last name   eg:

Payments are preffered to be paid online into our school account: 12-3122-0203336-000

Payments to be pain online into our fundraising account: 12-3122-0203521-000


Throughout the year children will be involved in activities that include sporting exchanges, cultural activities, study trips and camps. These are advertised well in advance through school and class notices. There is usually a cost involved with each of these activities. Parents/Caregivers register their child’s attendance to these trips and provide the teacher with the relevant information on the forms provided.


The school has a security alarm system installed that is monitored by Smartways Security in Hamilton.


To view the latest NZ Governments guidelines to parents, please click here.


A smoke/vaping free environment is established and maintained at Matangi School at all times as a contribution to the health and welfare of all concerned. 


The school provides support for students who have additional learning requirements and/or needs. Our Senco can be contacted through the office if you would like to speak directly with them.

Children who have English as their second language and who have significant developmental delays in learning to read, write and speak English may be considered for a language development and enrichment programme. Te Ao Maori Matangi School teaches Waiata, Kapahaka and includes Tikanga Maori in the curriculum. Children With Special Abilities Special needs, gifted and talented students will be offered learning opportunities to enrich and extend them. IEP: Individual Education Plans are established when needed  in consultation with parents/caregivers and often a member from Specialist Education Services to meet specific learning and/or social needs of the student. The plan belongs to the school and is a guide to our intervention programme. Resource Teachers Learning & Behaviour Should a student have mild to moderate learning and/or behaviour needs, a referral may be made by the school, for support and/or intervention by a Resource Teacher Learning & Behaviour. Parent/caregiver permission is required as part of the referral process. 14


The school offers many opportunities for parents and the business community to build a mutual partnership of promotion and sponsorship.


The staff at this school encourage sporting activities. Management of team sports including rugby, netball, cricket, hockey and football has shifted on to local clubs recently.  Your local clubs still require parent helpers to assist in coaching and managing the teams. At Matangi School we manager flippa/splash Ball and basketball only.  If you are interested in these please contact the office and they will put you in touch with the Teacher organising sporting codes.

You can find a selections of sporting options and sports clubs by visiting the Sports Waikato website.  By doing this you can search for any club available locally.


Meetings are held on Tuesday afternoons, at 3:15pm. Parents are asked not to make appointments or delay teachers on these days.


All stationery is available to be purchased online through our stationery supplier Qizzle.  For help with ordering please contact the office and they will happily talk you through it.


Within existing parameters of staffing and other resources we endeavour to cater for the individual differences of students. Matangi School believes in inclusiveness where each child may be catered for, recognising their right to an education appropriate to their functioning level. We will endeavour to provide students with special education needs with the supports and services they need to receive an education in the least restrictive environment possible. The school will often seek the support and/or intervention of outside agencies when working with children with special educational needs. Matangi School will promote, foster and expect a partnership with all families who have children attending Matangi School.


Matangi School is a Sun Smart School. The school recognises the increased health risks to children from harmful UV rays of the sun. Children are particularly vulnerable to sunburn and need guidance in protecting themselves from the sun. Our SUN SMART procedure details guidelines and acceptable practices.

This procedure includes the following statements;

  • This procedure will be implemented in Terms 1 and 4.
  • Suitable hats are defined as giving protection to the face, neck and ears.
  • School sun hats are available for purchase from the school office ($23 per hat).
  • The school requires all children, when they are in the school grounds, to wear a sun hat; “No hat, play in the shade!” Children without a sun hat will be required to be in the shade during playtime and lunchtime.
  • Students will be encouraged to apply sunscreen SP30+, before going outside to participate in activities.


On the advice of teachers and parents, support services will be sourced in by the Principal or SENCO to assist children with specific needs. These include;

  • R.T.L.B. Resource Teachers Learning and Behaviour
  • Speech and Language Therapist
  • Hearing and Vision Testers
  • Psychologist
  • Health Nurse
  • C.Y.P.S. Children And Young Persons Service
  • School Advisory Services
  • School Attendance Services
  • Police
  • others as required.


During the swimming season all children are expected to swim every day unless parents have notified the school in writing/phoning to the contrary. Teachers do not permit children who have open cuts or sores to swim. The swimming season usually commences towards the end of November and finishes early April weather permitting. Matangi School is an official Swim Safe School meaning we follow the Swim Safe programme and use Swim Safe instructors for professional development. If the school pool is going to be available to families outside of school hours, the Board of Trustees will advise parents through a school newsletter. Students must wear a swimming cap for class swimming. The School office has these for sale for $5 each.


Children may only be taken by Parents/Caregivers from school during teaching contact hours with the permission/ approval of the principal if removal during school hours is to be regular.  If you need to remove your child from school early please do this by signing out throught the tablet in the office.


There may be Teacher Only Day’s in school term time when teachers will meet for whole-school development or teacher in-service training. The school will endeavour to plan these days to be taken during school holiday periods.


Please refer to the calendar on our website for the most up-to-date information. 


Unless bringing special items in for an official news days, please keep toys at home so they do not get lost of broken while at school.


The school uniform consists of a Matangi polo shirt, polofleece sweater and a school jacket for colder times. Children must wear plain black bottoms (shorts, skirts, pants) with the school tops. The uniform can be purchased from NZ Uniforms, Tristram Street, Hamilton. It is compulsory for your child/ren to wear a school hat in terms 1 and 4.


Matangi School will take due care in respecting the safety of students being transported in private vehicles to and from organised school activities. More information will come about regarding this from your childs teacher at the time of an event.


Visitors to the school during teaching hours of 8:55am-2:50pm are required to sign in and out at the School Office.


Every Friday students may bring scooters, skates, bicycles, skateboards etc to play on. Safety helmets are required.